The Deadline for Sending Articles Has Been Extended Till 20 April 2025

"The First International Conference on Semnan Tourism, Silk Road, Opportunities and Prospects" will be hosted by Semnan University.
Based on the successful experiences of the Faculty of Tourism of Semnan University in holding various conferences, Semnan University, taking advantage of the many capacities of Semnan Province in different scientific, cultural, social, industrial, and tourism sectors, organized the "First Semnan International Tourism Conference: Silk Road, Opportunities and Prospects" will be in November 2024.
The Conference Bases include:
- Silk Road tourism and Semnan
- Silk Road and tourism
- Tourism planning and management
- Tourism and economy
- Tourism and information
- Culture, Art, History
- Tourism marketing
- Tourism and accommodation
- Tourism businesses
- Tourism and environment
- Hospitality For more information and submission of articles, please visit the conference website: