Semnan University is trying to accelerate the recruitment of foreign students

The president of Semnan University mentioned accelerating the policy of recruitment foreign students as one of the important goals of this university.

According to Semnan University public relations report; Dr. Seyfolah Saedodin said in a meeting with the media of this province: Semnan University currently has 200 international students, but this number is not acceptable and it is planned to increase significantly.

Dr. Seyfolah Saedodin announced the determination of this university to increase foreign students to 10% and added: Currently, Semnan University, as the mother university of the province, has 14,000 students, and we are trying to increase the share of international students to 10% in a four-year program.

The President of Semnan University stated that the Ministry of Science has mandated large universities to increase the number of international students and continued: The current foreign students of Semnan University are mainly from Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, and Afghanistan.

Dr. Seyfolah Saedodin stated: Providing skill-oriented education to create employment in the form of knowledge bases is one of the main approaches of Semnan University and is one of the four systems for realizing the Islamization of universities.

The President of Semnan University pointed out: We are trying to allocate government dormitories to all daily students and even a significant part of the night students in the next semester.




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