Investigating the capacities of Semnan University to increase the acceptance of international students

In the second meeting of the non-Iranian students' recruitment committee, the capacities of Semnan University to increase the acceptance of international students were examined.
According to Semnan University public relations report; In this meeting, Dr. Seyfolah Saedodin, the president of Semnan University, pointed out the plans of appointed and mother university of Semnan province to increase the number of international students of this university from different nationalities and said: Considering the goals set for attracting international students, from the next months We will see a gradual increase in the number of non-Iranian students in the university, and according to the announced plan, the number of non-Iranian students should reach 10% of the university students in a certain period.
The president of Semnan University stressed the necessity of structurally strengthening the management of international affairs and non-Iranian students of the university and providing welfare, cultural and student facilities using the past valuable experiences of this university and other prestigious universities and said: This issue is one of the main priorities and programs of the university.
In this meeting, Dr. Farshad Varaminian, vice-chancellor of education and postgraduate studies of the university, presented a report on the status of the units related to the affairs of non-Iranian students and made suggestions to increase the speed and quality of the admission process and service to the non-Iranian students of the university.
Dr. Mohammad Hossein Ehsani, Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of the University, also referred to Semnan University's plans to attract international professors, strengthen the university's Arabic and English sites by using existing capacities to promote the recognition of Semnan University at the international level and activate the memorandums signed with foreign universities in pointed in this direction.
In this meeting, Dr. Majid Gholhaki, vice-Chancellor of planning and development of economic resources of the university, also pointed out the long-term and macro plans of the university regarding the increase in the number of non-Iranian students of the university and said: foreign students are in a way educational tourists and cultural ambassadors of the country.
Dr. Mohammad Najjarzadeh, the manager of scientific and international collaboration of the university, also mentioned the planning done to use the capacity of the Arabic language and literature and English language and literature groups of the university to increase the scientific and international activities of the university and define demand-oriented projects within the university in this field.