Expanding the cooperation between Semnan University and the Provincial University of Medical Sciences in the field of joint research projects

To Expand the Cooperation Between Semnan University and the Province's University of Medical Sciences, a Memorandum of Understanding was Signed Between the two Universities.

According to Semnan University public relations report; This memorandum was signed by Dr. Mohammad Hossein Ehsani, Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of Semnan University, and Dr. Majid Mirmohammadkhani, Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of Semnan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services.

The Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of Semnan University pointed out the areas of joint cooperation in the form of this memorandum and said: examining the need for research and new technologies by the experts of the parties and planning to achieve them, cooperation on determining the research priorities of the parties to guide and explain joint research plans, participation in regional and national research and technology projects with an emphasis on the provincial advantage, designing and implementing joint basic and clinical research projects according to the defined priorities of both universities, interaction in setting up laboratories, workshops and research centers in the university For the joint operation and use of the existing laboratory and research facilities of the two centers for the implementation of research projects (domestic, national, international, etc.) and theses and to facilitate the conditions of using the equipment and laboratory facilities of the parties, is including the fields of cooperation between the two universities in The format of this memorandum.

Dr. Mohammad Hossein Ehsani added: holding knowledge-enhancing workshops and free training courses in the path of professional development and empowerment of faculty members, university experts and students, identifying knowledge and skill gaps of graduates in the labor market with the aim of increasing the employability of graduates, cooperation and support in the field Monitoring the employment and creating the field of knowledge-based employment of university graduates, providing the field for the participation of faculty members and researchers of the parties in gatherings, conferences, national and international specialized meetings for free, guidance and support of academic theses in line with The research programs and missions of the parties, cooperation and participation in delivering lectures, publishing articles in scientific-research journals and publishing books in line with the specialized goals of the parties, cooperation in authoring, translating and publishing books and scientific-research publications and cooperation in patenting And gene registration is another field of cooperation.Dr. Mohammad Hossein Ehsani added: holding knowledge-enhancing workshops and free training courses in the path of professional development and empowerment of faculty members, university experts and students, identifying knowledge and skill gaps of graduates in the labor market with the aim of increasing the employability of graduates, cooperation and support in the field Monitoring the employment and creating the field of knowledge-based employment of university graduates, providing the field for the participation of faculty members and researchers of the parties in gatherings, conferences, national and international specialized meetings for free, guidance and support of academic theses in line with The research programs and missions of the parties, cooperation and participation in delivering lectures, publishing articles in scientific-research journals and publishing books in line with the specialized goals of the parties, cooperation in authoring, translating and publishing books and scientific-research publications and cooperation in patenting And gene registration is another field of cooperation.

The Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of Semnan University stated: The implementation period of this memorandum is five years, which can be extended if the parties agree.

Dr. Majid Mirmohammadkhani, Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of Semnan University of Medical Sciences and Health Services, said at the meeting of concluding this memorandum: The University of Medical Sciences of the province has allocated funds for conducting joint research projects with Semnan University, which will increase with the start of work and implementation of joint projects.

Managers of different departments of the two universities also presented their opinions and suggestions to carry out joint research projects in the form of this memorandum.





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