Dr. Seyfolah Saedodin became the president of Semnan University

The Minister of Science, Research and Technology, According to the resolution of the Session 54 of the 7th of May 2023, the committee for appointing presidents of universities - the Supreme Council of the Cultural Revolution, issued the decision to appoint Dr. Seyfolah Saedodin as president for four years.

According to Semnan University public relations report; Dr. Mohammad Ali Zolfi Gol appointed Dr. Seyfolah Saedodin as the president of Semnan University for four years.

The Minister of Science, Research and Technology has stated in this ruling: It is expected that by following Islamic teachings, scientific foundations, revolutionary spirit, the basic strategies of the people's government and the programs presented to the Islamic Council and attracting the cooperation of professors, administrators, students, and Scientific assistants provide all the material and spiritual facilities of the university, including the huge capacity of benefactors, to realize the policies and programs of upstream documents, reference and scientific diplomacy, all-round development of science and technology, research-oriented education, education-oriented research, and skill enhancement, entrepreneurship, creating a culture of teamwork and group work, and finally, use all the axes of the "Islamic University" document.

I pray to the Supreme Lord for your highness's increasing success in advancing the lofty goals of the holy system of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the wishes of the wise leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei.

Furthermore; Dr. Seyfolah Saedodin (born in Semnan-1965) studied mechanical engineering - energy conversion, is a member of Semnan University faculty with the position of full professor, who has published more than 150 articles in international journals and 7 demand-oriented research projects in the field of communication between society and industry.

He has also been among the world's 1% most cited researchers for 6 consecutive years, and he has been the president of the Science and Technology Park of Semnan University and the vice-chancellor of research and technology of Semnan University in his work record.

It should be noted; Dr. Seyfolah Saedodin was appointed as the head of Semnan University by the decree of the Minister of Science, Research, and Technology in January 2023.


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