Acceptance of hotel management students for the first time at Semnan University

The president of Semnan University announced the recruitment of undergraduate students in hotel management for the first time in Semnan University.

According to the Semnan University public relations report; Announcing this news and emphasizing the role of hotels and accommodation complexes in Semnan Province, Dr. Seyfolah Saedodin said: With the approval of the Higher Education Development Office of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology, Semnan University for the first time accepted applicants for bachelor's degree in hotel management from the year 2024 accepts.

Dr. AbdolMohammad Kashian, the head of Semnan University's Faculty of Tourism, also said: Considering the geographical location of Semnan province and Semnan's location on the road from the shrine to the shrine, the issue of accommodation and residence is very important, and this is the reason why the recruitment of undergraduate hotel management students in Priority should be given to Semnan University.

He added: "Fortunately, with the approval of the higher education extension office of the Ministry of Ataf, this task has been realized for the first time in Semnan University, and hotel management students will study at the tourism faculty from the beginning of the 2024 academic year."

It should be noted that before this, only 4 public universities of Tehran, Allameh Tabatabai, Yazd, and Shiraz accepted students in this field, and Semnan University is the fifth public university in the country and the only university in the east of the country that accepts students in this field.


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