A report on the status of scientific productions of Semnan University in the Scopus international database in a period of 6 years (2018 to 2023)

The Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of Semnan University presented a report on the state of scientific productions of the university based on information from the Scopus international database.

According to the Semnan University public relations report; Dr. Mohammad Hossein Ehsani said: The number of scientific productions of Semnan University in the Scopus database in the 6 years from 2018 to 2023 is about 5,000 article titles, and currently about 870 article titles from Semnan University in 2023 are indexed in the Scopus database.

The vice president of research and technology of the university stated: Considering the number of articles published by Semnan University in 2023, fortunately, this university has been able to improve the number of its scientific productions compared to previous years.

A member of Semnan University's Board of Directors stated that the quality of Semnan University's journals publishing articles is based on the ranking of scientific journals, SJR, and said: that 40% of these articles have Q1 quality factor and 37.6% have Q2 quality factor.

Pointing out that about 78% of the published articles of the university have quality coefficient Q1 and Q2, he clarified: This article shows the trend of publishing articles of Semnan University in the first and second quarters, which promises the publication of quality works and the improvement of the number of references to it will contain articles.

Dr. Ehsani announced the subject areas of publication of scientific products in Semnan University in the order of natural sciences, engineering and technology, medical sciences, agricultural sciences, social sciences, and humanities and said: publication of about 5000 articles in various fields of science with more than Out of 62 thousand references in Semnan University, one of the desirable capabilities of this university is in producing articles from a qualitative and quantitative point of view.

The Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of Semnan University stated: About 30% of the scientific productions of Semnan University in 2023 have been published through international cooperation and 33% of the scientific productions of Semnan University have been published at the national level and in cooperation with researchers of the Islamic Republic of Iran that this article shows the active participation of Semnan University at the national level.

He added that about 35% of the scientific productions of Semnan University in 2023 have been published only through university participation and about 3% through sole authorship.

He stated: In the last six years, more than 62 thousand scientific references have been made to university articles. The amount of citations to Semnan University articles is about 12.5% ​​based on different levels of scientific cooperation.

Dr. Ehsani pointed out the most prolific authors of Semnan University and said: that Dr. Ali Khairuddin, Dr. Pazhman Rezaei, Dr. Ali Asghar Oruji, Dr. Hossein Naderpour, and Dr. Saman Rashidi are 5 members of the academic staff of Semnan University who are at the top of the authors of this university in the number of scientific productions in the last six years in the Scopus database.

The Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of Semnan University also pointed out the most cited authors of Semnan University and said: Dr. Mohammad Ehteram, a civil engineering graduate of Semnan University, Dr. Hossein Naderpour, Dr. Pejman Rezaei, Dr. Mohammad Danaei, and Dr. Hojat Karmi are the five most cited authors of Semnan University that some of them are also in the section of authors with the most articles.

Dr. Ehsani, while appreciating the efforts of each member of Semnan University's academic staff, announced: This information has been obtained based on the information extracted from the international Scopus database, that the Research and Technology Vice-Chancellor of Semnan University also examines and monitors the scientific productions of the faculties based on the scientometric reports prepared.

In the end, the Vice-Chancellor of Research and Technology of the university added: Fortunately, thanks to the efforts of the researchers of this university, despite the restrictions of the coronavirus era, we are witnessing a growing trend in the field of scientific productions in the form of articles.

He reminded: the increase in academic faculty members' research, the inclusion of incentive bases, the timely payment of research and technology demands of academic faculty members, the strategic plan of the University Research and Technology Vice-Chancellor, and thinking together with colleagues in the various meetings of this Vice-Chancellor are some of the effective factors in maintaining the current trend and promoting the university more than before are in the field of research and technology.

