A coordination meeting was held to conclude a memorandum of cooperation between Semnan University and BLDE of India

To Coordinate the Conclusion of a Memorandum of Cooperation Between Semnan University and BLDE University of India in the Field of Biological Sciences, a Virtual Joint Meeting was held with the Presence of the Officials of the two Universities and the Coordinator of UNESCO Network Activities.

According to Semnan University public relations report; In this meeting, which was also attended by the academic staff of Semnan University's biology department, the parties introduced the capacity of mutual cooperation in the field of Biological Sciences and reached an agreement on the contents of the mutual agreements.

This memorandum is the beginning of cooperation between the two universities of Semnan and BLDE University of India and it provides the field of joint research, holding joint scientific courses, exchange of science, researchers, and students as well as the exploitation of each other's facilities.

It was also decided in this meeting that by the conclusion of separate agreements, cooperation in other research and industrial fields will also be realized.

The development of the scientific and cultural diplomacy of Semnan University and the prospects of improving the international status of the university, and following the conclusion of a memorandum of cooperation between the members of the UNESCO/UniTwin network with the participation of Semnan University, BLDE University of India, Yerevan University of Armenia, IPPA Institute of Bolivia and other parties last year, from The other goals of this meeting were that it was organized by the management of scientific and international collaboration of Semnan University.



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