The meeting of Semnan University and China's Cultural Advisor to increase scientific and research interactions in the field of tourism

In the meeting between the head of the tourism faculty of Semnan University and the cultural advisor of China, there was a discussion and exchange of views regarding the scientific and research interactions in the field of tourism with the focus of holding the first international tourism conference in Semnan

According to Semnan University public relations report; In this meeting, Dr. Kashian, head of Semnan University's Faculty of Tourism, while explaining the importance of scientific, research, and technological interactions in the field of tourism between Semnan University and Chinese universities, emphasized the importance of strategic studies in the field of One Belt One Road project.

Dr. Rahman Marefet, the vice-chancellor of the Faculty of Tourism of Semnan University, also presented a report on the initial measures for holding the Semnan International Tourism Conference and pointed to the potential and actual tourism capacities of Semnan Province as scientific and professional support for this conference.

Dr. Reza Naghdi, advisor to the president of Semnan University on international students' affairs, also expressed some of the capabilities and competitive indicators of Semnan University as the appointed and mother university of Semnan province.

Referring to the signing of the memorandum of cooperation between Semnan University and the Hohai University of China last year, Dr. Naghdi invited the cultural advisor of this country to attend Semnan University to create greater convergence and synergy in the field of student attraction and exchange between Semnan University and Chinese universities.

Joe Zi Hao, Cultural Advisor of the Chinese Embassy, while welcoming the proposed proposals, announced his readiness to cooperate in all fields, including the holding of the Silk Road International Tourism Conference.

The first Semnan international tourism conference "Silk Road, Opportunities and Prospects" will be held in May 1403, hosted by Semnan University.




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