Semnan University intends to accept international students in different academic levels in the first semester of the o academic year 2023-24

According to the public relations office of Semnan University, Dr. Reza Naghdi, the head of the university's international students office, announced this news and added: “Semnan University, as the main University of Semnan province, is going to accept international students in the first semester of the academic year 2023-24 in  bachelor's, master's and Ph.D majors.

Dr. Reza Naghdi, the adviser of the chancellor of Semnan University pointed out that: "due to the time limit for holding Persian language training courses for non-Persian speakers, in the first semester of the new academic year, priority is given to applicants who are citizens of Persian-speaking countries (Afghanistan and Tajikistan) or those who have completed Persian training courses" (SAMFA certificate) 


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