International Scientific Collaborations Office



Office Manager: Dr. Mohammad Najjarzadeh

Ph.D. in Sociology-University of Freiburg - Germany

Office Tel.: +98 23 31535080

Office Fax: +98 23 33654136



Executive Assistant: Ms. Afradi

Office Tel.: +98 23 31535080

Office Fax: +98 23 33654136




International scientific collaborations office of the University was established to develop the scientific and international academic exchange between the Semnan University and other international scientific and research centers.


The main duties of this office are as follows:

 1-   Communicate with other universities and higher education centers in order to cooperate with them in various fields of education and research

 2-   Translation of letters and referential documents to Persian and English languages to be presented to foreign universities and institutions

3-    Preparation of scientific cooperation agreements with foreign universities and membership in the scientific and international communities

4-    Preparation of English certificate for faculty members to participate in the international scientific conferences

5-    Updating the English website of the University and providing the required information and news

6-    Coordination for attendance of the foreign guests in the university conferences, seminars, congresses and symposiums

7-    Preparation of the required reports and information for international scientific cooperation center of the Iran Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (MSRT)


The main activities of this office in the last year are as follows:

1-    Preparation of Arabic brochure of the university in cooperation with the Arabic department of the university

2-    Holding the regular sessions of the international collaboration council of the university in order to decide on the current cases

3-    Design and preparation of the new visiting cards for faculty members

4-    Sending messages of the university chancellor to embassies and Iranian cultural advisors in foreign countries

5-    Performing all required correspondences for dispatching the faculty members of the Semnan University to other countries to teach the Persian language

6-    Actions for joining the Semnan University to the Federation of the Universities of Islamic World (FUIW)